Rug Salon


Rug Care Services

Discover a full suite of rug care services designed to meet your every need. From deep cleaning to specialized treatments for stains and odors, we offer expert solutions that extend the life and beauty of your valuable rugs.


Area Rug Cleaning

We offer a thorough cleaning service for both handmade and machine-made rugs, including specialized types such as Persian, Turkish, and Moroccan rugs. Our advanced technology ensures deep cleaning without compromising the rug's integrity.


Pet Urine & Odor Removal

Our specialized treatment effectively removes pet stains and odors from your rugs. We go beyond surface cleaning to eliminate the root cause, leaving your rug looking and smelling fresh.



Our deodorizing service is designed to refresh your Oriental, wool, and silk rugs. Using allergen-free and child-safe solutions, we eliminate odors and leave your rug smelling clean and fresh.


Moth and Insect Control

We offer preventive and curative treatments for natural fiber rugs that are prone to moth, flea, and carpet beetle infestations. Our methods ensure the longevity and beauty of your valuable rugs.


Stain Removal

Utilizing advanced, environmentally responsible techniques, we remove a variety of stains from your rugs. Our certified technicians are trained to treat even the most stubborn stains effectively.


Area Rug Padding

To extend the lifespan of your rug and protect it from wear and tear, we offer high-quality rug padding solutions. These pads keep your rug securely in place and guard against daily wear.

Revive Your Rugs Now

Breathe new life into your rugs with our expert cleaning services. Click here to schedule your rug cleaning and enjoy a fresher, cleaner home.
(224) 567-8398